Report from the Writers Group

The next meeting of the Writers Group will be on July 12 at 1:30 in the library.

WRITERS’ GROUP NEWSLETTER by D. Bradley                   June, 2017

A spectacular summer day created the backdrop for a group of writers to gather around the table of our local Indian Lake library.  We have had a lull in our attendance recently, but we may chalk that up to wintry Adrondack weather.  Perhaps now that the warm and mostly sunny weather has returned, so will additional people interested in writing and sharing with a harmonious group of good friends.  Continue reading

Book sale coming this summer

Mark your calendars!  Keep July 22-23 available for the Friends of the Library summer book sale at the Indian Lake Town Hall across from the Library.  The sale will be open from 10 am to 2:30 pm.  piles of booksLot’s and lot’s and LOT’S of great gently used books and some unusual finds just waiting for you.  The Friends of the Library meet on July 10 at 5:00 pm at the library.  All are welcome.

Healthy Living for your Brain and Body

Everyone is welcome to attend a free program on health and wellness.  On June 15, 2017, 11 am at the library, learn about tools you can use to keep your brain and body healthy as you age. To register contact the library or Tanya 867-4999X200 or

Creative Writing Workshop at the Adirondack Experience this Summer

Word as Eye: Creative Writing in Response to Visual Art

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Zucchinis Round II

Everyone is welcome to the Indian Lake Theater on Wednesday, May 10 at 1:00 PM to celebrate reading  with the Zucchini Brothers!  OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERANo snow in May, right?

Programs are free and open to all. This project is made possible, in part, with funds from the Decentralization Program, a regrant program of the New York State Council on the Arts with the support of Governor Andrew Cuomo and the New York State Legislature and administered by the Adirondack Lakes Center for the Arts. Thanks go to the Friends of the library who also contributed to this program.

May Day! May Day!

May 1 is international workers day and a Spring holiday celebrated with singing, dancing and baskets of sweets and flowers.  Join us  at the library on Saturday, April 29 at 11 AM. Patty Sue Mahoney will lead a craft activity for children in celebration of May Day! Stories too!