Have space?

We need your help!  Our book shed is filling up!  We’ll have great books for the book sale, but we could use additional storage space so we can sort in the shed and help you find what you are looking for.  Please call the library if you have some clean dry garage/barn or shed space you can lend us this summer.

Summer Reading Begins!

Kids- sign up at the library for the summer reading program.  Sandy is back with “Every Hero Has a Story”. Be an Environmental Hero Wednesdays at 7 PM beginning July 8th. Report on your reading and get a gift book in return. Four GREAT programs in July

Tuesdays Story Time 10 am- hear the book/ watch the movie the following Tuesday at the Indian Lake Theater. Story time begins July 7 movie July 14, Story time July 21 movie, July 28,  August 4th Story time, August 11th movie. Story times and movies at the Indian Lake Theater are all free and open to all.

July 30 11:30 am  BONUS PROGRAM!   Live Theater from Adirondack Shakespeare Company at the Indian Lake Theater

Report from the WRITERS’ GROUP-Next meeting July 8, 1:30 at the library

Although a small group, we always find little nuggets of great writing emerging from our members. In June we were delighted by the writing of the niece of one of our members who was only eleven years old.  We also enjoyed tales of ADK outings, one which caused great laughter when the writer compared a bicycle outing in contrast to the Americade motorcyclists.  We heard a lovely tale of the evolution of a maple leaf, and two short pieces related to gardening.  Finally we were treated to a tale of a boat called a dragger and how it mysteriously appeared along the shore and just as mysteriously disappeared.

“Assignment” suggestion again for next month:  “On the Road”

Donations now Accepted

The Friends have announced that they will be able to take donations of clean, kindly used books for their sale, July 25-26. Thank you!

Expanded Hours in July

Wednesday, July 1, we will kick off our summer with expanded hours. Library hours will be:

Monday, Wednesday, Friday 10am-4pm; 7-9pm

Tuesday 10am-3pm

Thursday 10-1 starting July 9th!

Saturday 10am-pm

Sunday Closed

Indian Lake Writers’ Group Newsletter, May 13, 2015

Eight writers met for a lively meeting on Wednesday.  The growing camaraderie of our group is evident in our conversation and the shared appreciation of the works produced each month.

One suggestion for next month’s writing was to begin with the words “On the road to…,” or perhaps to use the setting poem format distributed at the meeting.  Of course, each of us can always do his or her own thing.

Once again, our works included both narrative and poetry and we shared memoirs as well as thought provoking pieces concerning the universe and the place that we hold in its immensity.

The next meeting will be held on Wednesday, June 10 at 1:30.  Newcomers are always welcome, and we would be delighted to see you there.

Writers group meets Wednesday

It’s great to see our seasonal residents return.  Just a reminder that the Writers group has moved their meeting the the SECOND Wednesday of the month at 1:30.  All are welcome