Snowcade Programs for Kids!

Tuesday, February 21 ,  Make Tracks at the Indian Lake Library!  At 1:00 PM, Adirondack Naturalist will host a program for kids, “On your Mark, Get Set, SURVIVE!”.  Learn about survival strategies through books, crafts and activities.

Wednesday, February 22, Make Tracks at the Indian Lake Library! At 1:00 PM children aged 3 and up can join Cate Smith for Finger Play and Finger Knitting.  Bring your child to a class that will begin a journey of deepening wisdom and patience as they explore simple finger knitting and finger weaving and develop fine motor skills.

Friday, February 24, Make Tracks at the Indian Lake Library! At 1:00 PM children aged 5 and up can join Cate Smith for an hour of Spool Knitting. Bring a paper towel roll for toy knitting. This teaches hand eye coordination and deepens attention span through learning, play and fun.

Town of Indian Lake Plan

A draft of the new Town of Indian Lake Comprehensive Plan is available here for download or at the Indian Lake Library.  It’s available for for check-out, just tell us how long you need it.

Next steps:

Moving forward, per NYS Town Law Section 272-s, the Town Board is responsible for conducting a final review and adoption. This includes the following steps:

Submit copies of the draft plan to Hamilton County and the APA for review

Set a Town Board Public Hearing date for public input (this may occur during a regularly scheduled Town Board meeting or a special Town Board meeting). It must follow NYS Public Hearing Law (i.e., proper notice, etc.).  The  Public Hearing will include a brief presentation/overview of the recommendations. After the Hearing is closed,  if necessary, any additional edits based on Town Board and Public Hearing input and APA and County review will be incorporated.

The Town will then conduct SEQR review,  adopt the Comprehensive Plan and submit a copy of adopted plan to NYS Department of State.


Fake News

It is the business of libraries to provide information. Help us keep fact separate from fiction.   Since we rely on government data for everything from the local census of our community to local weather, it should be important to you as well!   Here is a list of known fake news websites that “purposefully publish fake information or are otherwise entirely unreliable”  and steps you can take to be critical when reading the news.

Snocade Activities Planned

Don’t forget the library during Snocade!  We’ll have programs for everyone- science, nature, crafts, stories, and a chance to learn about Japan and its culture. Stay tuned as we confirm our programs!

Writers Group is meeting

Want to get together with fellow writers to share your work and help others polish their drafts?


Writers and listeners are invited to the next  meeting of the writers group at the library on Wednesday, January 11th at 1:30.  Come on out!

Open/closed and snow policy

We will bholiday-charlie-brown-treee closed for the , December 24, 25 and 26, and will reopen on Tuesday December 27 at 11 am.  We will be open on December 31, but closed on January 1 (Sunday) and January 2 (Monday) to ring in the new year. When school is closed due to slippery roads, in the interest of safety, the library, too, will be closed.