Donations now Accepted

The Friends have announced that they will be able to take donations of clean, kindly used books for their sale, July 25-26. Thank you!

Expanded Hours in July

Wednesday, July 1, we will kick off our summer with expanded hours. Library hours will be:

Monday, Wednesday, Friday 10am-4pm; 7-9pm

Tuesday 10am-3pm

Thursday 10-1 starting July 9th!

Saturday 10am-pm

Sunday Closed

Indian Lake Writers’ Group Newsletter, May 13, 2015

Eight writers met for a lively meeting on Wednesday.  The growing camaraderie of our group is evident in our conversation and the shared appreciation of the works produced each month.

One suggestion for next month’s writing was to begin with the words “On the road to…,” or perhaps to use the setting poem format distributed at the meeting.  Of course, each of us can always do his or her own thing.

Once again, our works included both narrative and poetry and we shared memoirs as well as thought provoking pieces concerning the universe and the place that we hold in its immensity.

The next meeting will be held on Wednesday, June 10 at 1:30.  Newcomers are always welcome, and we would be delighted to see you there.

Writers group meets Wednesday

It’s great to see our seasonal residents return.  Just a reminder that the Writers group has moved their meeting the the SECOND Wednesday of the month at 1:30.  All are welcome

Report from the Writers

Eight people attended our April meeting and there was a sense of reunion after the long winter.  Everyone was glad to see each other again.

We began with a few moments of silence in memory of Nancy Strader.  We will miss her presence very muchContinue reading

WRITERS’ GROUP NEWSLETTER Donna Bradley March, 2015

March is an interesting month, often a great month to just “get away”; and several of our members did just that for a variety of reasons.  Can you blame anyone for taking advantage of a break in this long winter?

Our remaining members were enthralled by what seemed to be the first hint of spring.  Temperatures were in the forties, ice was turning to slush and the sun was shining.  We sat around a small round table and with enthusiasm had a great meeting despite only a few of us who attended this month  At the onset we decided that this meeting would be devoted to listening to each other and offering support and advice.  It turned out to be a very positive experience with many helpful responses.Continue reading

Free tax prep this Saturday, February 28

Beginning at 9:00 AM, the Indian Lake Library will help you prepare your personal taxes.  Volunteers from the VITA program will stay until around 11:30 am and then head down to the Lake Pleasant Library.  Appointments are recommended. Please bring all your documents with you.