Now Opened on Winter Hours

The insulation and roof work is nearly complete and heat loss has been minimized… just in time. Thank you, Senator Farley for your generous support in making this happen! We are back to Monday /Friday 12-4; 7-9, Tuesday 11-3, Wednesday 11-4 Closed Thursday and Sunday and Saturdays 10-1.  As we consider staying open on Thursdays 11-3 or changing our evening hours to accommodate school children, we’d like to know if you have any preferences about our hours.

Closed for Construction

The library will be CLOSED for Columbus Day on Monday, October 12 and then CLOSED for construction (weatherizing the roof so we will be warm, cozy and hopefully fix our icicle issues) Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, October 13,14 and 15th. Please plan accordingly!  Come pick out some long books and audios and get your videos! Winter hours begin October 16. Monday 12-4, 7-9, Tuesday 11-3, Wednesday 11-4, Thursday CLOSED, Friday 12-4, 7-9, Saturday 10-1, Sunday Closed

WRITERS’ GROUP NEWSLETTER Donna Bradley September, 2015

Our annual visit from Michael Czarnecki and Steve Coffman delighted many of us again as we sat around a table sharing our stories. Nancy reminded us that this workshop is supported by a grant from New York State Poets and Writers. Thanks to annual grants we have had the benefit of an annual Writing Workshop led by Michael for maybe eighteen years with Steve joining Michael for the past eight years.  These two creative and inspiring writers encourage us with their careful listening and quality critiques of the pieces we share with them.  Continue reading

Fiction Group Forming

Interested in the craft of writing ?  Looking for an exchange of works in progress for critiques? A fiction writing group is getting together this fall on Fridays from 2:30-4 PM at the library.  All are welcome.  Leave your name and contact info at the library desk for the date of the first meeting

Writing Workshop and Reading September 30

Indian Lake Library will present two programs with Prose Writer Steve Coffman and Poet & Oral Memoirist Michael Czarnecki on Wednesday, September 30, 2015. A writing workshop will be held from 1:00- 4:00 PM, open to all level writers. Please bring some work to discuss.   poetry

At 7:00 PM Michael and Steve will share poetry and prose from their books and recent work. We’ll begin with an open reading for anyone who wants to share a few minutes of their own words. For more information contact Nancy Berkowitz at the Indian Lake Library, 518 648-5444