INDIAN LAKE WRITERS’ GROUP Monthly Newsletter March, 2016

We never know what awaits us when attending a Writers’ Group meeting.  This March meeting would only be our second meeting of the year since we skipped February.  Bob and I had been away for five weeks and only recently returned from our travels so we looked forward to our gathering, but wondered what would await us.  I believe that this was the first time ever that our contributing writers were only men.  We did sit around a table of eight people, although two attended more as an audience than as writers.  Jill had no new writing to share, but, she did bring along her album of pictures with accompanying descriptive writing of her Appalachian journey.  She has been putting in a lot of time organizing and writing about her unique travels in 2015.  We are all rooting for her to get her final piece published.

We enjoyed three stories written by the three men who attended the meeting.  In The Diner, we heard much about the Empire Diner in Manhattan, and all the accompanying life’s events surrounding that period of time in New York City.Also, in Spring in the Air, we traveled back in time and stood on a train platform with numerous other men.All were dressed alike and heading into the city to spend a long day on the job.  Our one protagonist yearned to be different. Similarly, in Trapped, we met a fictional man, his wife and children living the good life, although the monthly bills soaked up everything which this successful couple provided.  The man, John, found himself yearning for the “one more thing” and realizing that he would probably not achieve the freedom in his life for which he truly yearned.

Next meeting:   Wednesday, April 13, 1:30 in the library     Assignment:  “I Remember That!”

Hope to see many of you next month!   D. Bradley

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