Indian Lake Writers’ Group August 2013 Monthly Newsletter LXXXIII

Nine writers gathered at the August writers’ meeting.  The group discussed Michael Czarneckies’ suggestion that we embark on a new chapbook.  All agreed that we would enjoy a new project.  The idea of theme was discussed and further ideas will be considered at the September meeting.  Since we have a number of artists among us, it was suggested that sketches and photos may also be submitted.  We encourage all to bring their ideas to our next meeting.

Chris Zacher began the meeting by introducing a formula for writing a setting poem.  This was suggested as one writing choice for September’s meeting.  Of course, you may change each step to fit your particular writing style.

Writing a Setting Poem

Name a place

Indicate if you are alone or with others

State the time of day or indicate time by using colors, shadows, etc.

Describe a background noise caused by an animal, a natural event such as wind, or something environmental (foghorn, car engine)

Indicate a transition taking place in your surroundings (such as setting or rising sun, impending storm)

Describe your place in this setting, and the actions of others around you.

Your final line should describe your feelings and thoughts as part of this setting

End with a philosophical statement or epiphany

In keeping with Donna’s suggested “movement” theme for August, a number of poems were read that included the significant historical movements of the past, a modern dance performance in Washington, D.C., an accident which engendered a spiritual awakening and an academic journey that resulted in an interesting turn of events. Other writers brought to us the anecdotes of a humorous brother, a clever spoof on The Three Bears, and a fictitious story which utilized personal experience and recent climatic tragedy.

Our next meeting will be on September 18th at 1:30 in the Indian Lake Library.  Suggestions for this month’s writers include the formula poem as outlined above or a story or poem about a character.

We hope to see all of you!

I have included a poem by Lawrence Ferlinghetti.


The Pennycandystore Beyond the El

The pennycandystore beond the El

is where I first fell in love

with unreality

Jellybeans glowed in the semi-gloom

of that September afternoon

a cat upon the counter moved among

The licorice sticks

and tootsie rolls

and the Oh Boy Gum

Outside the leaves were falling as they died

A wind had blown away the sun

A girl ran in, her hair was rainy

Her breasts were breathless in the little room

Outside the leaves were falling

and they cried

Too Soon!  Too soon!

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