Explosion: March 19

INDIAN LAKE WRITERS’ GROUP  Monthly Newsletter February, 2014    Donna Bradley LXXXVII

February is the shortest month.  This February we had the shortest meeting.  A combination of busy people, bad roads, and perhaps Snocade, or maybe even a bit of a cold,(?) kept some of us away but despite it all, five of us showed up.  Natalie and Donna shared possible illustrations for our future Chap Book.  So we are cooking, if on a slow burner. Let’s promise to heat it up next month. Chris called Donna to let her know that although she did plan to attend, she found the Northway a bit icy and decided to return home.  Good decision Chris!

We did hear some ground breaking pieces this time, well worth listening to and sharing.  The first piece led the way with a unique memoir, “Getting to Know You, Getting to Know All About You”, based on questions asked over the years,and answers privately acknowledged.  The next piece, “John H. Panage, PHD, honored a college English professor with a lively look at a Greek immigrant who challenged himself to learn a new language, a new culture and achieve two Masters and a PHD, all in English Literature. While in this process he obviously achieved the high regard and respect of many students along the way.A final  piece attempted to capture the essence of a mother in a short paragraph.
Our next meeting:  March 19 1:30 in the library
 Our next assignment:  Explosion
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