The Indian Lake Library is proud to be among 37 libraries in New York State that is a “Star” Library. This designation is based on circulation, programming, visits and public internet use. Next year additional measures for ebooks, website and wifi will be considered. We want to know how we can continue to be the library you need. Let us know!!
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Monthly Newsletter October, 2013 Donna Bradley LXXXV
Is there a better way to spend a Wednesday afternoon than sitting around a library table sharing thoughtful ideas, personal memoirs, or Adirondack experiences? I believe that all who attend our Writers’ Group gatherings will agree that they come away inspired and filled with good humor. Our monthly meetings offer pleasant conversation and good comradeship.
Our first discussion concerned our up and coming brand new Chap Book. We are in the process of collecting pieces for submission and thinking about the title we will give it. The book’s theme will revolve around the one unifying trait which is that we all feel a strong connection to the Adirondacks. All ideas and types of writing will be acceptable.Continue reading
The Indian Lake Writers Group continues to meet on the third Wednesday of each month at the library at 1:30. If need be, use the topic “threads” for inspiration! New participants are always welcome of all ages and abilities. Read the September newsletter
Board of Trustees meets Wednesday
This Wednesday, 10/16, the Board of Trustees of the Indian Lake Library meets at 4:30 in the library. Interested in the library? Participate in developing new directions! Join us!
Imagination Library Books for Children
Literacy Volunteers of Clinton County has made it possible for pre-schoolers in Hamilton County to receive free gift books just for signing up. All children under age 5 are eligible with applications available at the library. Sign up is going great guns… we have more children signed up right now then Franklin County! Our parents know that children love to be read to! If you haven’t signed up, complete the simple application form today!
Winter hours start Columbus Day
We will remain open at 10 am until Columbus Day. We’ll be closed that Monday, October 14 and will reopen on Tuesday
The winter schedule for the library is Tuesday 11-3, Wednesday 11-4, Thursday closed, Friday 12-4, 7-9, Saturday 10-1, Sunday closed, Monday 12-4, 7-9.
Tuesdays are for Toddlers
Is your child old enough for a story but too young for pre-k? Come to the library on Tuesdays at 11 for a brief story and playtime with other children.
Small Class scheduled on ipads
Flash Class!
Sign up for a class on Monday, September 23 at 11am
Class size limited to four