Board of Trustee Meetings

The Board of Trustees generally meet monthly on the third Thursday of each month at 4:15 pm. Currently the Trustees meet in person at the Library. The public is welcome to attend.   Unscheduled public comments are limited to 5 minutes. 


  1. Role Call
  2. Public Comments (5 minutes)
  3. Approval of prior month’s Board meeting minutes
  4. Review of bills for the month for approval and payment; overview of financial report
  5. Library Director’s report
  6. Nominations or elections, if any.
  7. Old Business
  8. New Business
  9. Executive session, if any. [General public not to attend]
  10. Verification of next meeting date
  11. Adjournment

Current Board of Trustees

Benjamin Conboy, President & Financial Officer  (2028)

Mary Jean Rathbun, Vice-President & Secretary  (2029)

Chelsea Provost, Records Access Officer (2025)

Beverly Cannan, Trustee  (2026)

Beth Lomnitzer, Trustee  (2027)

View, Print, or Download Board of Trustee Meeting Minutes here: