Monthly Newsletter      October, 2013       Donna Bradley           LXXXV

Is there a better way to spend a Wednesday afternoon than sitting around a library table sharing thoughtful ideas, personal memoirs, or Adirondack experiences?  I believe that all who attend our Writers’ Group gatherings will agree that they come away inspired and filled with good humor. Our monthly meetings offer pleasant conversation and good comradeship.

Our first discussion concerned our up and coming brand new Chap Book.  We are in the process of collecting pieces for submission and thinking about the title we will give it.  The book’s theme will revolve around the one unifying trait which is that we all feel a strong connection to the Adirondacks.  All ideas and types of writing will be acceptable.

This month our writers were hard at work.  We heard tales of a boat skimming across Indian Lake, a 120 year old baptismal dress, and the delightful details of how many ways a stick can be transformed by grandchildren on a hike with grandma.

We heard a beautiful tribute to a friend who recently died, and the Indian Lake family history of a father taking his daughter to Glens Falls to buy a hay fork. We traveled through the Atlas Mountains in Morocco, and on a dirt road in Indian Lake where we encountered coyote howls, deer begging for apples and white winged insects whirling in a golden sunbeam.

We heard the tale of being totally lost in the woods, and then heard a tribute to a lost brother written as a sonnet.  Finally we heard the tale of a car trip taken by a twenty year old to his fourth year of college in the south.

Assignment:  Maybe the word “threads” will inspire a memoir or a poem from you.  If not, any writing is welcome.

Meeting Date:  November 20, 2013  1:30 in the library.

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